Zacatecas – The Most Magical Mexican Mountain Town?

El Gringo Suelto

Fourth in a Series

escudo de zacatecas cleaned upZacatecas. The very word sounds exotic, foreign, sexy even. Fabulously wealthy from its silver mines in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the city was fabled for its beautiful cantera buildings and its location in a shallow valley between two hills. This was my fantasy of Zacatecas before I had ever thought of going there, and I was not to be disappointed.

We arrived in the early afternoon after a 2-hour bus ride from San Luis Potosí, settled into our hotel, and then went into the Centro to see what was happening. The main street, Calle Hidalgo, was closed off to traffic and filled with people. We quickly found the tourist office (Hidalgo 401) located in a handsome blue building with pink cantera detailing, grabbed a map, and were off to explore. Hidalgo is the main drag, and looks much as it probably did three hundred years…

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